Facebook’s Head of Tech Communications Shares The Best PR Advice You’ve Never Heard



Facebook’s Caryn Marooney shares her vast PR wisdom, from the good to the ugly dealings of being a communications professional, and every gem in between.

Imagine youre sitting across from a reporter at lunch. Youre telling them what you do, your story, why they should care about your product. You have to convince this reporter to not only write about you, but that what youre doing matters. That youre going to be successful.

This is Caryn Marooney, head of technology communications for Facebook. But before that, she co-founded OutCast, the elite PR agency that worked with one-time startups Amazon, Salesforce.com, Netflix and VMware. Shes seen firsthand how hard it is for young companies to capture press attention when they have zero brand recognition and limited resources.

To develop a compelling message, Marooney advises running it through the RIBS test (will your story stick to your ribs?). In short:

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The RIBS Test
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