Why Some of the Most Innovative Leaders Have An Open Door Policy


Their days are jam-packed but their doors are open. Here’s how four leaders of our Most Innovative Companies value their employees like family.

Each of our Most Innovative Companies made it on the list for many reasons–and great leadership is a big one. These CEOs are busy changing the game; how do they find time to keep an “open door policy” with their staff?

With more than 100 million Yelp users, Ghaffary gets a lot of meeting requests. Even if he devoted his whole day to inquires alone, hed never get to all of them, he says. But I want to be open to as many conversations as possible, he says.

Setting business development office hours every week keeps the flood at bay. Its a chance for someone who doesnt have a strong referral to come in. Keeping the balance are No Meeting Thursdays, where he has time to think about the companys direction uninterrupted. You have to carve out unstructured time to think deeply, Ghaffary says.

Failure is not only an option, its encouraged at WME. Weve found that a necessary part of being successful is embracing that,” says Whitesell. “If you arent experiencing failure part of the time, then you probably arent doing everything right. The company culture takes top priority. You can have all the right strategy in the world; if you dont have the right culture, youre dead.